Natalie the Believer | Irvine Moms








With a gift of intuition, Natalie realized that she was meant to help people. She turned
this calling into a career, where she provides readings, meditation strategies, and
advice for people who need some guidance in their lives. If you are feeling lost, stuck,
anxious, or sad, Natalie can help you walk through the steps you need to get your mind
and soul to a healthier state. We found out how Natalie got started in her chosen life
path and asked some of the important questions that pertain to motherhood and the
strategies you can use to deal with any difficulties you may face.


What inspired you to study psychology and then go on to pursue
My attraction to study both psychology and teaching comes from the calling I’ve always
felt to inspire people to live their best lives. Whether I’m in the corporate setting, in a
coaching session, or in front of the classroom, what I do is always the same. I connect
with people. I listen to their stories, and I listen to their dreams. And I help them bridge
the gap between where they are and where they want to be. It’s my calling. What I love
about working with people in this way, is that I’m growing and learning with the people I
get to serve.


When did you realize you had a gift in intuitive readings?
I always knew I had a gift with intuition, but I never knew what to do with it. When I grew
up, people weren’t slinging around terms like intuition and spirit guides – there was kind
of a negative stigma around intuition if anything. So, it took me a while before I even felt
comfortable talking about intuition, let alone doing intuitive readings for people. I was
just a girl that you felt really comfortable talking to who helped you see things a little bit
clearer. And maybe we were just standing in line at the grocery store. Or we were
between meetings in the hallway at work. But there is always a message to share
between people who meet. Nothing is accidental.
I’ll never forget when I realized I had a real gift that I could use professionally someday.
I was at work, and I ran into a co-worker who was in the midst of a transition. I’ll call him
Steve. I hadn’t seen Steve for a while, we worked in different departments, but when I
ran into him, he was noticeably thinner than I had always known him to be. I
congratulated Steve on his weight loss, he shifted around and looked at the floor, and
mumbled that he had just gone through a rough divorce. Oh. This convo just got
awkward. In the split second that I searched for the right to say…congratulations on
your divorce?…You still look pretty good?…

Immediately, in my mind’s eye, I saw the image of a vibrant, outgoing woman – laughing
and smiling. I recognized her as “Kim”, another co-worker I knew from around the office.
Instantly my skin prickled with goosebumps, I felt butterflies in my stomach, and my
heart was racing – I knew that Kim and Steve were destined to have a romantic
connection. I told Steve that things would get better, and I found Kim in the breakroom,
excited to share with her what I had just experienced. When I asked her what she
thought about Steve, (keep in mind that he was kind of awkward, shy, nervous, and
seemed like the complete opposite of Kim), she threw her head back and laughed.
“Steve just asked if I was going to a group hangout after work”, Kim shared, “and if he
asks me on a real date after tonight, I’ll go”.
I was completely amazed. Steve and Kim were married less than a year later. And my
desire to use intuition as a gift to help others in a way I was afraid to do before was


In your practice you talk about people needing to get “unstuck”. What
were some moments in your life when you felt stuck? And what helped
you get out of them?
This may sound really simple, because it kind of is – but for me, getting unstuck was all
about making a shift in the way I was thinking.
I remember one night, sitting on the floor of my closet alone, hugging my knees, rocking
back and forth crying silently. I can’t even tell you what happened, or what day it was,
because this was such a regular thing for me. I was pushing through anxiety to
overachieve at work, I was in an emotionally abusive relationship with a man I was
calling “the one”, and I was coping with mom guilt – trying to balance “adulting” while
finding time to raise, enjoy, and be there for my 5 year old son.
Silent crying in the closet became my healthiest coping mechanism, the other was
self-medicating with alcohol. I was surviving, but I was stuck. From the outside I looked
successful, but I was stuck. Caught somewhere between – this is where I am, this is my
life, and there has to be something better for me. A bigger purpose. A reason. A calling.
Maybe you can relate, but my whole life, I had been living my life based on what people
told me I had to do. I had to go to school. I had to secure a 9-5 job. I had to get married
by a certain age. And all of these “had to’s” became my inner voice, the little voice
inside that constantly reminded me of all of the reasons why I had to stay in my current
situation even though it was silently killing me.

So, there I was, silent crying in my closet, broken, lost, depressed and I remember
thinking – “I don’t have to do this”. It was a simple thought but it was powerful enough to
break the pattern of the way I’d been thinking. It was like a new awareness that dawned
on me. Like turning on a light switch in a dark room. I realized that I don’t have to be in a
relationship that hurts me. I don’t have to pursue a title and salary at the expense of
pursuing my dreams. I don’t have to raise my son from a state of depression, I can
change my life. And I did change my life.
I learned that “stuck” is a mindset. And once I learned how to master my mindset, how
to believe in myself, how to trust myself, how to change my life – I knew I wanted to
teach others how to do the same thing.



How often should people meditate? And why is meditation an
important practice for people to incorporate into their routine?
Meditation is to the mind and spirit what bathing is to the body. So, when you ask how
often people should meditate – how often should you take a shower, or brush your
teeth, take care of your hair? As often as you need to – preferably daily. Mediation is
just as important as your physical self-care routines. Meditation helped me release
anxiety, anger, negative thinking patterns, issues with focus. I connected more deeply
and reliably to my intuitive gifts through regular meditation – and it’s not just me. We
have the technology now to measure the positive benefits of meditation on the mind and
body. I don’t know if we have a way to measure the health of your spirit yet, but I
encourage you to begin a meditation practice and notice for yourself the changes you
experience in your perspective, in your energy levels. You might notice that it’s easier to
handle the regular stresses of daily life – you might even notice that things that used to
stress you don’t bother you anymore.
I think there is a common myth around meditation that you have to be super spiritual, or
calm, or introverted, or quiet to be a good meditator. But it’s just not true. You can
dance and meditate. You can walk and meditate. Find a style of meditation that fits your
lifestyle and consider it as a gift you’re giving yourself to elevate your life experience.


 When was the Lucid Life Mentoring Group founded? Can you explain how the
group works?
I’ve been working with people one-on-one doing Intuitive Coaching and Readings for
several years now – and I’ve felt called to go a little deeper than giving intuitive
guidance. I created a private mentoring group in 2019 to teach people how to connect to

their own intuition, and learn how to create life on their own terms from an expanded
perspective. I provide live monthly training on topics including Manifesting Your Goals,
Developing Your Intuitive Senses, Healing Toxic Relationships, among others. All
trainings are recorded and housed in an online membership area for unlimited access. I
connect personally with members in our Facebook group to answer questions, provide
ongoing guidance to support our live trainings and give guidance. It’s been an amazing
journey so far. Members are sharing with me their growth and breakthroughs and I’m
encouraged to keep growing further.


Who is your inspiration/someone you look up to?
I really aspire to make an impact in the world in my own way. Oprah is just an amazing
inspiration to me. The way she uses her skills and gifts in her business, in her service to
others. Her story is a reminder to me that in the face of challenges and seemingly
impossible circumstances, all things are always possible. No one is too small to make a
positive and lasting impact on the world.


What advice would you give to a mother who is struggling with
postpartum depression?
My advice to all mothers, mothers-to-be, or anyone in the role of a care-giver is to make
mental and emotional self-care a priority – before, during, and after pregnancy. Whether
it’s going to yoga, or listening to a guided meditation at home, or taking a daily walk –
make time for yourself to clear your mind. I would tell anyone who is struggling with
postpartum depression right now to reach out for help. Connect with your doctor, reach
out to someone you trust to give you that extra support you need right now. Working
through depression can take a combination of efforts, including therapy and sometimes
medication. In addition to the support of your family and medical professionals, I would
highly encourage beginning a Mindful Meditation practice. This is a style of meditation
I’ve found to be very effective in helping people manage and heal from depression.


How can a working mother find a balance in her job and parenting
responsibilities? How can they reduce any stress they may be feeling?
As working moms, a lot of our stress stems from thinking about things that are outside
of our control – what hasn’t happened yet, or what already has. Really learning how to
focus, to give your attention to what’s in front of you right now is key for maximizing your
time and reducing stress. If you’re at work worrying about what you’re going to make for
dinner or what kind of homework night it’s going to be, then you’re not performing your
best at work – which makes you more stressed out when you’re at home. Give yourself

permission to focus on work while you’re at work, and equally – give your kids the
attention they deserve when you’re at home. I work from home now, and I found it very
important to set an “off” switch for work. At a certain time, I’m not answering emails,
scheduling sessions, or creating content. And because I honor that boundary, I don’t
feel guilty when I devote my attention to work while I’m working. Be flexible and
understand that some days will be tougher than others, and some days will be easier


What are your goals for the future? Do you wish to continue helping
others in the way that you do now, or are there other paths/careers you
would like to explore?
I love where I am now, helping people in the best way that I can today. But as a student
of life, my passion is all about growing and expanding forward. I envision that some of
the people I’m mentoring now will be with me in the future teaching, and helping, and
guiding others on a path of personal and spiritual growth. I don’t know exactly what that
will look like, what the platform will be, but I want to touch millions of people with a team
of beautiful souls. I want to do my part to make a lasting and positive impact on the

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