Laura Kyttanen takes a moment with Irvine Moms - Irvine Moms

What is Sensory Branding and how did it come to life?



A type of marketing that appeals to all the senses in relation to the brand. It uses the senses to relate with customers on an emotional level. I truly believe that brands can forge emotional associations in the customers’ minds by appealing to their senses.

More specifically, I work on looking at the community and culture the brand is looking to create and try to identify a multisensory approach to enabling this. In some cases, it can be a literal translation of something like how a brand can incorporate “smell” into marketing efforts, as indicated in this Dunkin Donuts example. Other times, it is painting a picture with compelling content and visualizations that hooks the customer by touching them at a deeper subconscious level.

I have created a template to help clients better understand this, it is known as the sensory branding wheel. This is my version of a mood board for a brand. I have had such great feedback regarding this process, with most clients saying that it was such a unique approach that really made them think about their brand differently. This is my sweet spot; I like to push the boundaries of thinking and support clients to level up their game in order to stand out.


Could you describe what motivated you to pursue Consulting?



I had been living in Amsterdam, Netherlands, for almost 5 years working as a strategic HR business partner in a Global Flavor and Fragrance company. My specialty, and Master’s Degree from Columbia University, is leading large scale changes in the organization, which requires a lot of branding and marketing skills internally. I really enjoyed my job, but it was starting to take a toll on me. I worked long hours and traveled a lot. At the same time, I was offered a promotion in the organization, taking on more global responsibility and transferring me back to NYC, my husband (fiancée at the time) was offered a job in Los Angeles. I was faced with a difficult decision, follow my heart or my career. Fortunately, I chose love. It was not easy, but I was offered a very generous transition plan from my organization and was able to continue my work from LA, consulting on a specific project. I was fortunate because this offered financial continuity while also introducing me to a new type of work flexibility. Although still traveling and having to lead global conference calls which often required waking up at 5 a.m., I was able to take better care of myself. It was then I decided I wanted to make an entrepreneurial career work for me and I started reflecting on my passions which ultimately led to a decision as a Business and Branding consultant, focused on transformation and sensory marketing.

However, along the way, I experienced a major break down. After becoming a first-time entrepreneur, just married and new mom –

I started to feel lost and unsure of my direction in life. It was then I decided to start Lady Boss Mamas, as a way to learn from other women before me who had success in their own business while being amazing mamas. Now my life’s purpose is to empower mamas to pursue their professional dreams around motherhood.





What is your favorite Lady Boss Mamas experience?


This is a tough question because there are so many. Overall, I would say it is a tie between interviewing Lady Boss Mamas and leading the Boss Mamas Mastermind program.



The interviews started in the form of a YouTube channel and has since evolved into a podcast called Boss Mamas Mindset. The name came about because I started to notice a theme – success was in direct correlation to our mindset. And I decided on a podcast because it is a better way to reach busy lady boss mamas around their crazy schedules. You will notice that we turn negative titles around by challenging or busting common myths we allow ourselves to believe. During the interview, the goal is to have the guest take the listeners through their own experiences around this myth and how they were able to overcome them in order to accelerate their business. These stories are authentic, vulnerable and fun – allowing us all to be on the same level. The goal is to inspire through sharing stories about our experiences.

The Boss Mamas Mastermind was a result of hearing from so many women during the interviews “if only I would have known [fill in the blank], when I got started!” This gave me an idea to create an accelerated 12-week program dedicated to helping women either start or take their business to the next level by sharing the wisdom I heard or personally experienced as an entrepreneur juggling boss and mama responsibilities.  The goal is empowerment – every mama who wants to make her dreams come true should be able to. I believe “yes, you can have it all!”

Please share what you encourage other Mamas to do and what you wish someone had shared with you as you began your Company?


I would say it boils down to these main areas:


  1. Work on yourself (especially your mindset and your values)
  2. Know your why
  3. Start before you are ready, fail fast, learn and keep going
  4. Find a supportive community that pushes you to think bigger, enables your growth and encourages collaboration
  5. Be consistent, persistent and flexible
  6. Never ever stop learning






How do you find inspiration?

These days I find most of inspiration through 5 main vehicles: meditation, getting outside (especially a walk on the beach), reading books, Pinterest, and my spiritual coach Dr Erin.


                                                                                                           PHOTO CRED BRENDA WINBURN PHOTOGRAPHY

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