Celebrating these 2 amazing Moms who make our celebrations special - Irvine Moms

Celebrated is a disciplinary treasure trove of anything and everything that’s interesting, relevant, and useful for throwing your own celebration at home, combining the creative with the inspirational.







When I made the discovery of Celebrated it was a hallelujah moment for me. You can imagine our Daily schedules during the pandemic is about learning to become flexible with  creativity and how to implement new ideas wearing the Hat as an Event Planner with complete ease. These fun colors make Hosting such fun! The Simple set up tips give us that edge to elevate our Party Game!

Having Celebrated as a resource is an incredible asset. What is even more special is that the products you purchase from Celebrated is that you can mix and match many of the items for other celebrations.




Meet the Amazing Ladies behind Celebrated:


Could you share your Background?

We were two working Moms with families and corporate careers. It was a lot, but we loved it all. We also loved creating memories. And with young families and friends, those memorable events came fast and often! Birthday Parties, Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, and so much more. Of course, we wanted each and every one to be special. However, most “packaged” parties look and feel “packaged.” Definitely not special.

So we did all the things you might do. Scoured Pinterest boards, found interesting things on Etsy. Visited 4-5-6 stores for last minute items. Created the menu, bought the food and then, while running around with our hair on fire while trying to maintain the “I just threw this together” attitude for our guests, we ended up frazzled, exhausted and unable to fully participate. We’d tell ourselves “the next time will be better!” but we kept repeating the same patterns.

We knew there had to be a better way, so we created CELEBRATED








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To create your 2021 Celebrations and Parties head to:
Stay tuned for 2021 as we  bring you more Celebrated fun that will help inspire you to throw the best parties during this Pandemic!
Cheers Moms! We will be here to help guide you through victories, the birthday parties to baby showers. Follow along as we present you different themes and ideas.

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