CULTURAL TRADITIONS with our Irvine Neighbors - Irvine Moms

30 Second Read







                  We took a walk and spoke to our Community on a lovely Sunday afternoon , here is what follows: 










Q: What tradition do you perform together?

A:Food is a big part in our culture. We will have our  families come over, and we celebrate by cooking traditional food. This not only ignites a bond, but it creates a sense of support. We are very lucky to have such a supportive and nurturing family. Our core values is what officially unites our individual cultures and religions. We always make sure to embrace our positive morals and that binds our families’ together.” 

  • James and Mary J. (Catholic and Mormon, respectively)
Q: What are some positive aspects about your culture that you are proud of?

A:Education is very important to our community. Additionally, we have very strong family connections that unites our Indian society as a whole. As individuals, we are hospitable to others. Likewise, the Bollywood industry joins our Indian heritage as a whole as we come together and celebrate various religious holidays or events.” 

  • Prashanti A. (Hindu)
Q: What makes you feel connected to your culture?

A:One significant facet that makes me proud as a Hispanic is how we embrace each of our differences. As a young girl, I grew up in a Cathloic household and abided by the church’s rules, which forced me to mold into this individual that society wanted me to be. However, I later discovered that my family and my roots has allowed me to digress from that mold and be the person I should be. My one difference helped my family understand each other more. This just shows how inclusive my culture is and that makes me very proud of being a Hispanic woman.” 

  • Amy T. (Hispanic)









Writer: Harshita D

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