MEET A MOM : Wenjin Liang - Irvine Moms

Before I turned myself into an educator, I had been working in the technology industry for 10 years. To be honest, I really struggled studying Computer Science in college. My bad experiences made it my dream to make learning technology easier for everyone, especially the little ones.

Nobody can deny the future world will be infiltrated by technology. Many of us have the fear that one day our jobs may be taken by AI or robots. What shall we do? My solution is never compete with technology, but master it.

We all have the potential to be world-changing engineers as long as we have curiosity. I believe through proper educational methodology, even kids as young as 4 years old can learn building and coding – which are the basics of technology. We put kids into a gaming environment, let them develop their curiosity and find solutions by themselves. Learning is so much fun and no pressure at all in Magikid Robotics Lab.

Over 400 students have experienced our project based classes during our first year. The most heartwarming moment is seeing their smiling faces in our classroom. We made coding great fun!  We did it!



Photo Credit: Irina Popa


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