Baby | Irvine Moms

Your Family Schedule: How to Keep Chaos Controlled

    Running a household with kids can feel a lot like herding cats—nobody ever stops moving, and usually in different direction, only stopping every so often for a cuddle. Or maybe it’s more like being a cruise ship director, trying to keep fun going and...

The Four Month Sleep Regression

    As a professional sleep consultant, I hear the term “regression” used in regards to just about every imaginable circumstance. Essentially, if baby doesn’t sleep well for a couple of nights, parents start dropping the ‘R’ word. Some people subscribe to...

Eight Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety

      Raising kids is a high-stakes responsibility, and in this age of social media and easy access to information about anything and everything, parents are easily overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and inadequacy. As a sleep consultant, I see this all...

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